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A function to apply the Ophelia colour palettes to ggplots, using interpolation to ensure the right number of colours


  palette = "default",
  reverse = FALSE,
  continuous = FALSE,
  .aesthetic = "colour",
  .colours = ophelia_colours,
  .palettes = ophelia_palettes,



The Ophelia palette you want to use. Choose from "default", "cool_colours", "warm_colours", "neg_to_pos", "greens", or "purples".


Logical. Default is FALSE. TRUE reverses the palette (e.g. makes "neg_to_pos" start with the positive end rather than the negative end of the colour palette).


Logical. Default is FALSE. Change to TRUE when applying the colour scale to a continuous variable.


Default is "colour". Can be changed to "fill", but it's best to use scale_fill_ophelia() to apply the colour palettes to the fill aesthetic.


Used to access ophelia_colours. Please leave as is.


Used to access ophelia_palettes. Please leave as is.


Additional arguments to pass to ggplot2::continuous_scale / ggplot2::discrete_scale (e.g. guide, limits, etc.)